6:21 PM
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - The Movie
 I just watched "Prince Caspian: The Movie” and I felt like writing hundreds of words about it.


First off, the content was about ½ different from the book. They changed it so drastically for whatever reason that I am REALLY eager to know. I LOVE the book that’s why I couldn’t understand why they had to change what’s already a masterpiece.


But then again, I’m not saying that it’s bad. For those who have not read the book… you could say it’s almost perfect! I’m just being the critical me when it comes to my favorite things.


The actors and actresses were great! I love Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter even more than I did on "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.” Although, I must say that the choice of Caspian was a little bit older than I saw him in the book. I think Reepicheep is cute as well… (Even if he uses his sword to anyone who thinks so—)


The change in the flow of the story was quite surprising. I was irritated that they made Peter such a jerk. (Well he was a little in the original story but he made him a big time jerk in this one!) I love that they retained the part where Edmund stick with Lucy (when she said that she saw Aslan) but I hope that they somehow retained the part where King Peter wrote a duel invitation to Miraz saying:


Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election, by prescription, and by conquest, High King over all Kings of Narnia, Emperor of Lone Islands and Lord of Cair Paravel, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion, to Miraz, Son of Caspian the Eighth, sometime Lord Protector of Narnia, and now styling himself King of Narnia, Greeting.


That’s my favorite quote from the book (I love the sarcasm!) and they didn’t include the whole part of it. But what I didn’t see coming was the romance between Caspian and Susan! They were supposed to be kids for crying out loud!!! A crush would be fine but a kiss???!!! I’m not saying that I hate it. It did make me giggle, and I think they did it to make the story lighter. But still, in the book, they hardly even talked to each other! And Caspian will have HIS girl on "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” (but then that’s another story).


One more thing: Peter and Caspian never really fought like they did in the movie. Caspian looked up to Peter as the High King of the Ancient Times… again, they probably changed it to make a twist but I think that it’s completely unnecessary. It just made them both look too childish to be kings!


As expected, the effects were great. I love the war scenes. I also give lots of credit that they included the part where the trees and the sea guardian (or whatever it is) fought alongside the other Narnians. (They didn’t do that in the Classic Chronicles of Narnia Series…)


The ending was sooooo sad— probably because I will not see Susan and Peter again in the next movie (If there is) but then again we can’t be so sure. They showed the White Witch in this movie even if she didn’t showed up in the book so there’s still hope to see those two again.


Can’t wait to see the next adaptation! ^_^ I hope we could see their adventures in the sea— and finally meet the Pevensies’ irritating cousin Eustace Scrubb.

Category: Reviews | Views: 268 | Added by: justfaye