6:29 PM
From Fan to Fist: WikiPilipinas Essay Entry

Long hair, unyielding skirts that almost reach the grounds, silent giggles, and fans on their hands trying to cover the mysteries of their very soul: this is what the Filipinas have been for the past centuries. They are like fireflies that love to fly, showing its grace and beauty to everyone; their prowess, leaving even our capturers in total awe.


Unbeknown to these strangers is the hidden passion behind these women. Their long hair is only a proof of their non-ending care and patience. The stiffness of taking care of such everyday is not a sign of their vanity but that of their belief of what a woman should be. They wash it patiently, brushes it gently and ties it neatly, all good qualities that mold their personality. Their long skirts in the past that hid their precious skin is all for the sake of dignity and respect for their family. They did not speak ill if it is not needed or asked. They contained themselves in front of gentlemen… some for fear but more for the sake of courteousness. They used their fans to conceal their anger, for a sudden outburst without thinking will only be useless. They veiled their smiles and blushes because they knew that when they show their weakness, it will cause their downfall.


Now countless years have gone by, stories have been passed, people changed. The long hair has been made into various funky hairdo or atypical looks and the clothes that hid everything now became less and less strict. The Filipinas who were once like fireflies, that show its glitters but always soars away, now finally learned how to alight itself for someone’s clearer view.


They learned to overcome shyness and work their heart out. The mean things that other people say or the unpleasant names they were being called were never able to stop them from their hard works and efforts. Some decided to tie their hair not so carefully for they know that there are more important things to do. Others still put an attempt knowing that it’ll make them more comfortable and shall boost their confidence in working. Short clothes are now common for they learned to never be shameful of themselves, their personality and all that’s within.


They threw their fans away and only used it when the sun is not so kind. They have learned to speak their mind while they retain their good ability to listen and empathize with others’ concerns and opinions.  The Filipina women started to enter the world that once had only belong to men. They established their place in the battleground of work, politics, economics and so much more. Their fists are firm, never facing defeat but also know when to admit and rectify their mistakes.


These were what the Filipinas used to be. These are what the Filipinas are now. They can’t help but be carried incredibly in the fast pace of life but their conviction and dignity never wavered. All the fixations that they were made to be known on the world, bad or good, are not as important to them as their love for their family, compassion to their friends, care for their country and adoration to the Sovereign God. This is the modern Filipina. They are one of the vital pieces that make the Philippines a very gifted country of both nature and women.



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Category: Dedications | Views: 1048 | Added by: justfaye