3:15 PM
Something About Esther

Esther’s story has always been one of my favorite stories in the Bible. From an ordinary Jewish orphan to a queen who stood fearlessly to fulfill God’s purpose, her journey is a testament to faith and courage. Her words, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16), have been a continuous challenge for me as I walk through life, faced with temptations and difficult decisions — striving to stay strong in faith and unwavering in purpose.


Esther's journey began during a time of great political instability and danger. As a young Jewish girl, part of a minority exiled from their homeland, Esther’s life seemed destined for obscurity. Raised by her cousin Mordecai after losing her parents, her life took an unexpected turn when she was chosen to be the queen of Persia, married to King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I). Though her rise to royalty may have seemed like a twist of fate, it was far from coincidental.


From her quiet life with Mordecai to the pressures of palace life, Esther’s journey was far from smooth. Esther 2:14 tells us that once a woman was selected as a candidate to replace Queen Vashti, she had to remain in the palace for twelve months, uncertain of her fate: “In the evening she would go in, and in the morning, she would return to the second harem, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. She would not again go in to the king unless the king delighted in her and she was summoned by name.” Esther’s future was entirely in the king’s hands. If he did not favor her, she would be relegated to the life of a concubine, confined to the palace and without the freedom to choose her own path.


Many in Esther’s position might have grown bitter, resentful, or miserable. But Esther remained gracious and grounded. Despite the uncertainty, she did not lose herself in the palace’s grandeur. With Mordecai continuing to watch over her from a distance (Esther 2:11), Esther learned to stand on her own while keeping her faith intact. Her strength was not in defiance but in quiet resilience, knowing that her life was in God’s hands.


In the royal palace, Esther’s Jewish heritage remained hidden (Esther 2:10), but God was already setting the stage for something much bigger. When Haman, a high-ranking official, plotted to destroy all the Jews in the empire, Esther found herself in a life-altering situation. Would she risk her life to speak up for her people, or remain silent and safe within the palace walls?


Encouraged by Mordecai’s words, “...who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14), Esther chose to act. Knowing that approaching the king without being summoned could mean death, she courageously stepped forward. Her leap of faith not only saved her people but also revealed God’s unseen hand, guiding her every step along the way.


When Esther was unsure of what to do, she called for a three-day fast (Esther 4:16), seeking God’s wisdom before making her move. Though the Bible does not detail how she received her answer after the fast, Esther had the clarity and strength to approach the king with boldness. She recognized that, although she had come far, it was not by her strength alone. It was the culmination of the work of everyone who fasted with her and the wisdom that came from Whom she sought during her fast.


God’s timing, though it may feel slow, is always perfect. Esther didn’t rush into action; she waited for God’s timing. Her decision to fast and wait for the right moment to approach the king teaches us the importance of patience. We, too, must learn to trust that God is never too early or too late. There is indeed a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). His plans are intricately woven into the fabric of our lives, and though we may not understand them in the moment, they are always for our good (Isaiah 55:8-9; Jeremiah 29:11).


Esther’s life also reflects the complexity of relationships we experience in our own lives. We may encounter people like Mordecai, who love us unconditionally and offer wisdom from afar. We may also meet people like King Ahasuerus, who may claim affection for us but whose actions may affect us negatively, sometimes without them realizing the consequences. And, unfortunately, there may be those like Haman, who harbor ill will toward us for no reason at all. Yet, through it all, Esther remained true to herself and faithful to God’s purpose.


Esther’s story is a powerful reminder that God brings specific people to our lives and places each of us in specific circumstances for a divine purpose, even when we don't fully understand why. Like Esther, we may face uncertainty and question our situations. Yet, just as God positioned her in the palace, He places us where we are to fulfill His greater plan.


What makes Esther’s journey remarkable is her willingness to take a leap of faith. She recognized that her influence was given to her for a reason, and with one courageous decision to step beyond her fear, she fulfilled her God-given purpose. Her story shows us that faith often requires risk—sometimes we are called to trust in God's plan, even when we can't see the full picture.


Esther’s story serves as a timeless inspiration. Esther 9:32 says, “The command of Esther established these customs for Purim, and it was written in the book.” The Jewish festival of Purim, a celebration of God’s deliverance and faithfulness, continues to be celebrated by Jews across the world to this day. It is a powerful reminder that when we step forward in faith, God’s plans unfold in ways that surpass our understanding, leaving lasting impacts for generations.

Category: Faith Talks | Views: 195 | Added by: justfaye