7:55 PM

More than a month after my birthday, I am just posting my annual B-day blog.

Does laziness come with age? I am still trying to figure it out.


Last year, I looked back on my past and how things ended up after every decisions and steps I took. As I reviewed it now, I find a sense of renewed gratefulness for all the blessings— God knows how many times I cried this year because of frustration and tiredness (and deadlines filing up). Nevertheless, I feel so grateful for the reasons behind those tears.


March 2020, less than three months at AIM, we were hit by the pandemic, and I was one of those forced to work from home. It has been tough to adjust to all the new processes and systems, and the extended working time. It is true that working with A-Class people has its perks, but it can be quite challenging too. However, I thank God for giving me a good team and a kind set of people at work that helped me weather it through. I am now on my 1 year and 4 months.


Being able to work at home also gave me a chance to enjoy life more and to do things I’ve always wanted to do but never got the chance to do so because of busyness.


April 2020, I started learning Hangul. I fell in love with the language, and I got to learn the writing. However, I had to park it for now until such time that I can focus on it completely. Hopefully someday, I can be fluent and knowledgeable enough to use it in conversations. Maybe I need to study Nihongo again too (it is my fault for not practicing). Both are beautiful. Both will be worth the time spent on learning it.


August 2020, as I was searching for advanced study options, I saw the PhD in International Tourism Management offering of Lyceum of the Philippines University. Since I have only heard good things about the program, I decided to enroll. Last September, my PhD in ITM journey started. I am now on my 3rd semester to earn my 27th unit.


I’m just so happy. I am busy, yes, but the joy of working towards a specific goal is something I have missed. I now look forward to our Saturday sessions. I also enjoy working with my learning team. The satisfaction of finishing a paper and presenting it still hits the same. I have 33 units to go, and I hope to make the most out of it.


I am now able to spend long nights with my family, have my fixed fitness routine, play silly games with Uno, and watch Bangtan contents to my heart’s content (given that I finish my tasks on time, of course!).


One of the greatest gifts I’ve had this year is the opening of CafĂ© Ditto last February 2021. This has been a dream come true for my sisters and I. Although we are having a tough time now because of the pandemic, we are having fun making drinks and just chilling at the shop. With God’s grace, we are hoping to run it for a very long time.


Above all, the biggest blessing I’ve received this year is time. People are dying or getting sick. Some are losing their job or their chance at getting good education. Some need to do anything just to survive. But I was given time, provision, and love. I just hope with all my heart never to take any of it for granted.


To God be the glory.

Category: Life as it is | Views: 97 | Added by: justfaye