6:07 PM
To May (And to all the girls who were left behind)

Being left behind isn’t easy.
Being blindsided is unfair.
Betrayal is always hard.
Betrayal from someone you loved with all your heart is unbearable.

Did you stay with him for years and he still left?
Thank him.
Did you let yourself lose your former glory because of him and he still left?
Thank him.
Did you start planning your future together and he still left?
Thank him.
Did you forgive him many times in the past and he still left?
Thank him.

Thank him for having the guts to let you go.
Thank him for giving you an out of a toxic relationship… a love that is a cycle of apologies and full of promises that he never truly kept.
Thank him for giving you the chance to make better dreams…something you couldn’t allow yourself to imagine before because you always had to consider him.
Thank him for giving you the chance to be the best version of yourself… the version that you can never be when he is around. Because, Woman, he is just weighing you down.

Thank him because when he left you behind, what he didn’t know is this:
He set you free.

Now it’s your time to fly high,
Where he can’t reach you and weigh you down ever again; 
Where he can only look up as you fulfill your destiny even greater than your dreams.
So smile. Let go of the bitterness and hate. Thank him instead.

Category: Moods and Poems | Views: 172 | Added by: justfaye