4:35 PM
Twenty-three Years of Blessings

When I was seven, I was so caught up in my world of fantasy where I’m a princess, a badass warrior or a damsel in distress. When I was fourteen, I used to dream about falling in love and having a big house with beautiful children. When I turned eighteen, I told myself that I will have a great career and will stay independent and happy. When I turned twenty-one and graduated, I just wanted to survive each day.


Now that I’ll be 23 years old, I can’t help but wonder where I’ll be in a year or two. What will become of me? Who will I be with? I wanted to know and at the same time I don’t. Is mystery better than predictability?

All I know is that I don’t want to waste a single moment. God has given me so much that I feel overflowing most of the time. And I really would like to write down all the blessings I had but then the list will be never-ending. Instead, I would just like to thank the people He’s given me, people who I care about, people that I love.


My Mama, Papa, Ate Ivy and Aiz: if they are my greatest treasure then you’ll see how un-materialistic I am. We bicker a lot. We annoy the hell out of each other. But we are still a family. We help each other out no matter how much we grumble. And mostly, we love each other to death.


My Tito Natz, who I feel thoroughly indebted with not because of the scholarship he’d given me but because I know he loves me that’s why he did all he did to help me and my sisters go through our education.


My Tita Nene who is now in heaven. I used to cry a lot because she always forced me to study, to read my books and to write my name. She made me appreciate learning. Without her, I wouldn’t be who I am.


My first best friend: Myra Joy Oresco. She will always be that no matter what happens. I loved her lots before and I still do now. She was the first person I fought for. She was also the first person I cried over the thought of losing when I learned that she’ll be transferring school on fifth grade. She thought me the value of friendship and for that I’ll always be grateful.


Charry Mallares. She’s my sister. Lack of blood ties and distance will never erase that fact.


Grace Marbella. When the rest of the world walked out, she stayed with me. When I cried, she held my hand and listened to me. She thought me how to forgive and how to move on. She thought me how strong I can be. She’s the truest of friends who never left my side during my darkest times. She gave me hope.


My college buddies: Cherie Mae, Aura, Jan Alex, Cherrylyn, Christine Joy and Brigitte. They thought me how to regain my self-confidence. They thought me that I don’t need to stereotype myself. We are a bunch of girls with different priorities, hobbies and beliefs who managed to be friends regardless. We don’t need any names for our group. We know what we are to each other and we know it’s for keeps even if we don’t get to spend a lot of time together.


Jimmelyn Gabatan, whom I spent all but three months with, thought me that length of time knowing each other does not matter as much as how you get to keep the friendship you shared. She thought me how to take care of myself and how to feel good about myself despite the physical insecurities I had. She’s a dear who always makes my heart smile.


Kristita Estacio who brought me to the life I’m living now. Before I met her— like I said… I was just trying to survive. She thought me that I deserve better and that I should make my move and go out of my comfort zone to get what is meant for me. If she didn’t led me to my second job I wouldn’t be able to meet the amazing friends I got in Amazon. I also wouldn’t be on my current job at all. She’s a blessing sent to me to show me my path and for that I’ll be forever grateful.


My Startek friends: for those who already left and those who are still remaining. For those who make every day fun despite stress, who believe in my abilities and, who still care even if I’m mean or moody at times.


The person who knows me better than anyone else: Thine Apostol… she knows even the parts that I deny, the things that I abhor about myself. And even after knowing, she still looks me in the eye and still remains as my friend. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with.


As I said, the list is endless but hey— I’m just turning 23. There are still many days to live, more people to know, countless memories to make and abundant blessings to experience. All I know is that I’ll be safe. I’ll be fine. I’ll be happy and victorious because God is with me each step of the way.


To God be the glory.

Category: Life as it is | Views: 294 | Added by: justfaye