"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." 
Proverbs 4:23 

Sola Gratia. Sola Fide. Solus Christus. Sola Scriptura. Soli Deo Gloria.

3:18 PM
31 Blessings

Have you ever asked God about something and believed— no holds barred— that He will work for the good regarding it?

I did so ask God multiple times, for the past year, to amaze me. Life has not been perfect but it has been better. And so, as I enter the first year of my third decade, I will praise Him with 31 things I am thankful for.

I would like to thank God for my parents. I may not be born rich but I was raised rich in love and in rod of discipline. It may sound harsh to some but because of how my parents brought me up, I am now able to withstand life’s trials with more fervor and conviction. They thought me about God which is the biggest gift they could have given me as their child. They have supported me, not just financially, every step of the way, no matter how crazy my decisions are to some. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for my sisters— my best friends, my worst enemies. I never felt like the odd one out for not having a best friend because I have the two of them… and although, I have middle child syndrome attack 8 out of 10 times, I know they will be by my side whenever, however, wherever I might need them. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for my two girls— Antoneth and Angela, whom God gave me because He knows what I need and who I need before I recognize it. And although I would like to slap some sense into them most of the time, I know they will be forever my girls. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for our little boy Kunzite Anaiah. His arrival brought so much tears and complications but he is a perfect example that God can use our greatest mistakes for something good. Through Uno, God made the perfect picture out of the darkroom. Uno is the sunshine in her mom’s life as well as our whole family. His smile and laughter can do wonders to anyone within the vicinity. Being his lola is an honor. I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for the Elevation Church. When I was still searching my way out of the darkness of my self-inflicted depression, this church helped me hear God’s message. I pray for this church to touch more lives as it had mine. I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for Life Group Rebekah. When I first came to Bahrain, I was searching for a ministry where I can have stronger relationship with God and fellow believers despite being away from my family and my church. I am thankful for being assigned the same flat with Shiela who introduced me with the rest of the LG. I am thankful for our leader Ate May Ann and for the rest of the girls especially my little sister Cytheria who is a big instrument in easing my occasional loneliness. This group motivated me to get back to my first love. They encourage my Bible reading and devotion. They pull me out of my introvert shell when I need some pulling. I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for Charis Gospel Ministries, my family in Christ. From our pastor Rev. Edgard Alonzo, to the youngest of kids, I am forever grateful. I am grateful for being a part of three ministries I love to serve: Praise Team, Charis Youth and Children’s Ministry. I am thankful for my leaders Ate Fe (Praise Team) and Ate Tina (CE). I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for the gift of friends. Especially those who have a special place in my heart:

Gracie – my best high school friend ever. Yu are one of the kindest people I know. Thank you for inspiring me to be kind too.

Meanies – Ching and Thine, and Eric and Baby and Alvin. I am forever thankful for your friendship. Some of my best memories are with you. Here’s to adding more to them in the future!

Beshies – Glez, Chef Erwin, Angel and Pat. Borrowing the wise words of Lady Gaga, “I found love in a hopeless place,” all thanks to you. I hope to work with you again in the future because working with you guys don’t feel like working at all.

Jimmelyn – my OJT turned long-distance friend and chat mate. This past year has been tough on you but don’t forget that there is a purpose for your pain. Cheers to our future travels together and apart!

I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for my job at ART. I prayed for sanctuary and He sent me here. I prayed for a place to grow spiritually and in character and I found myself here. Here, I learned to focus on my priorities. I get to have more time for devotions and Bible readings. I get to learn the application of theories I only ever read before. I am yet to see all His purposes but because of this, I learned humility and I developed more patience. I would like to thank God for the gift of helping Thalia and Jeremay come to Bahrain. I don’t know His purpose for bringing them here but I do know now that one of the purposes of me being here is to give way for them to come in Bahrain. Now, they are part of our LG too. I am forever grateful.


I would like to thank God for gift of travel. The past year has been blessed with 4 of them:

Hongkong and Macau last February 2018, Singapore and Malaysia last June 2018, Georgia and Armenia last February 2019 (See Wandering Feet posts for more info). All of them came in pairs too. I am forever grateful.

This another year of my life is a new mystery I have to unravel. The thing is— I look forward to it. Up and downs. Tears and laughter. Alone or with company,

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

Category: Life as it is | Views: 156 | Added by: justfaye