It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on my blog… well, if i can— i would have about 4 reviews to write for four great masterpieces of Regency Novels i managed to finished as well…. Oh! Guess it can’t be helped.


I left my first job and went to another one. I’ve always loved tourism and culture and geography and places but not in a way that i could just sit in the office whole day doing bookings and stuff like that. I love interacting with people. And i would like to relate to them with regard to tourism and culture, geography and places…. Customer Service suits me well i think. At least for now. I have 3 more months ahead of me until i finish this three-month project. I could decide later on and just have fun for now.


As i always say, it’s because of my faith that i could go out of my comfort zone. And i plan to make the risk worth it.


For my soul hath been crying, 
writhing in agony of the morrow 
but Thy faithfulness shall save me 
from the overwhelming black hole….

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Category: Moods and Poems | Views: 308 | Added by: justfaye | Date: 03-Nov-2009