At school, children are always asked to show their perception of something by description. They are either tasked to draw, to write an essay or to have it presented in front of class.

Out of everything I've written and declaimed, there’s one topic that I never did justice: How would you, as a child, define a great father?

 When I think about it, I am overwhelmed with memories. These were memories of childhood, of innocence and laughter. I see a man who read stories to his child. A man who tells his own stories for his child to know him – to love him for the father he is. When his girl wants more food even if her plate is still half full, he is the man who hides viand under her plate of rice so mommy won’t find out and scold her. He is the man who tells her to call them when she’ll come home late and stays awake to wait. He is the man who – even in the angriest hours, stops and listens to his child’s explanation. He is not afraid of going out and playing with his kid. He is the hero who always reassures and says "I’ll take care of it.”

When she grows up and starts to face the world, he is the man who patiently teaches her everything she needs to know. He shows love so openly but responsibly knows when to stop and make sure she does her homework correctly.  When she starts to commit mistakes of a grown-up, he’s there to support her and tell her she can make it right and learn and still be the beautiful girl he always sees her as.

 He is the man who shows how true love can be. Who shares a plate with his wife during dinner… who hugs her in front of their children and let them hear his whispers of adoration.  He is a man who knows to control his anger. He pulls his wife inside of their bedroom to settle arguments instead of fighting in front of their kids.  He calls his family every day, sometimes even more if he’s far away.

Above all, he is a man of faith. He doesn’t preach but he set himself as an example of God’s grace. He is loyal to his parents and sibling. His kindness to others, to the point of self-sacrifice. No. He is not perfect. Kindness is his biggest flaw but his goodness tramps it all.

So, please… do ask me again what defines the greatest of fathers. I only have two words as an answer: 

Mario Cabug-os.

I love you Papa. See you soon! Happy birthday. I miss you.

Category: Dedications | Views: 240 | Added by: justfaye | Date: 10-Sep-2011