Is it the right time? How will I know for sure? As always, thinking about leaving my comfort zone feels frightening. It’s like going inside a tunnel without seeing any light across--- like jumping from a plane seeing nothing but the bluest ocean below.

It’s not easy to admit fear--- but wouldn't it be more pathetic to know you only stayed because of it? That you tried to bear it all until your comfort zone became a place of bitterness, of stress and of fury?

I've experienced this several times before… perhaps that’s the reason why I’m still standing tall. But sometimes, I can’t help but feel tired of enduring everything that’s thrown my way. I can handle any challenges directly thrown at me—against me. What’s worse? When the people you care about starts to turn on each other. And if you were forced to choose between friendship and duty. And when you have to wake up each day wondering who you can still trust.

Maybe this is the reason why I turned back to my books. Because in this world, any conflict will eventually be resolved as long as you turn to the next page. In this world, you’ll know who you are up against. You’ll know that one way or another, every ache has an end.

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Category: Chatterbox | Views: 254 | Added by: justfaye | Date: 18-Jan-2012