Have you ever asked God about something and believed— no holds barred— that He will work for the good regarding it?

I did so ask God multiple times, for the past year, to amaze me. Life has not been perfect but it has been better. And so, as I enter the first year of my third decade, I will praise Him with 31 things I am thankful for.

I would like to thank God for my parents. I may not be born rich but I was raised rich in love and in rod of discipline. It may sound harsh to some but because of how my parents brought me up, I am now able to withstand life’s trials with more fervor and conviction. They thought me about God which is the biggest gift they could have given me as their child. They have supported me, not just financially, every step of the way, no matter how crazy my decisions are to some. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for my sisters— my best friends, my worst enemies. I never felt like the odd one out for not having a best friend because I have the two of them… and although, I have middle child syndrome attack 8 out of 10 times, I know they will be by my side whenever, however, wherever I might need them. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for my two girls— Antoneth and Angela, whom God gave me because He knows what I need and who I need before I recognize it. And although I would like to slap some sense into them most of the time, I know they will be forever my girls. I am forever grateful.

I would like to thank God for our little boy Kunzite Anaiah. His arrival brought so much tears and complications but he is a perfect example that God can use our greatest mistakes for something good. Through Uno, God made the perfect picture out of the darkroom. Uno is the sunshine in her mom’s life as well as our whole family. His smile and laughter can do wonders to anyone within the vicinity. Being his lola is an honor. I am forever grateful.< ... Read more »

Category: Life as it is | Views: 186 | Added by: justfaye | Date: 23-Apr-2019